Multi Annual National Control Plan (MANCP)

The EU has established laws and regulations to ensure the safety of our food and the health of animals and plants. EU member states are required to enforce these laws and regulations. The Multi Annual National Control Plan (MANCP) outlines how the Dutch authorities accomplish this and which control systems they employ.

Information on enforcement and controls

The MANCP demonstrates how the Netherlands enforces and controls legislation relating to amongst others:

  • food
  • animal feed
  • animal health and welfare
  • plant health

EU obligation

All EU member states are obligated to create such a control plan, as stated in EU Regulation 2017/625. The Dutch plan is called the Meerjarig Nationaal Controle Plan (MNCP). The NVWA (Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) develops this plan.


The control plan also specifies the authorities and official entities involved in enforcement and controls, as well as the division of tasks. In the Netherlands, this includes amongst others the NVWA, Skal Biocontrole, and the Netherlands General Inspection Service for Horticulture (Naktuinbouw).

These various organizations collaborate to ensure the health of humans, animals and plants, protect consumers, and promote animal welfare.

Annual report

In addition to a control plan, each member state also produces an annual report. This report includes details on the conducted controls and their results. The NVWA prepares the annual report and shares it with the European Commission.