
345 documents

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  1. Investigation results hoverboards 2018

    The NVWA received information of hoverboards in the Netherlands and abroad catching fire and/or exploding. The NVWA therefore ...

    Inspection result | 06-05-2019

  2. Quickscan Rust fungus on Cestrum

    This document presents de quick scan of Quickscan Rust fungus on Cestrum of 16 April 2019.

    Publication | 23-04-2019

  3. Cleaning and desinfecting

    The video shows how to clean work surfaces, materials and instruments in the right way, and how to disinfect or sterilize them ...

    Video | 22-03-2019

  4. After care

    The video shows how to take proper care after the tattoo is been placed and the 4 ways to do this.

    Video | 22-03-2019

  5. Prevention of contamination risks

    The video shows how to protect yourself and your clients against blood-borne diseases, and how bacteria and viruses can spread ...

    Video | 22-03-2019

  6. Hand hygiene

    The video shows at what moments you wash your hands, how to do this in the right way, when you disinfect your hands and by which ...

    Video | 22-03-2019

  7. Disinfectants

    The video shows how to use the right disinfectants in the right way and how to identify authorized agents.

    Video | 22-03-2019

  8. Évaluation des risques dans la chaîne de production de viande rouge: Boeuf, porc, cheval, mouton et agneau (Franse vertaling / French translation)

    Aux Pays-Bas, plus de 20 milliards de repas, de snacks et d’en-cas contenant de la viande sont consommés chaque année.

    Risk analysis | 21-03-2019

  9. Risikobewertung Rotfleischkette: Rind, Schwein, Pferd, Schaf und Ziege (Duitse vertaling / German translation)

    In den Niederlanden werden jedes Jahr mehr als zwanzig Milliarden Haupt- und Zwischenmahlzeiten sowie Imbissprodukte verzehrt, in ...

    Risk analysis | 21-03-2019

  10. Advice of BuRO on the risks in the red meat supply chain

    This document contains an assessment of the risk associated with the red meat supply chain. It is the first in a series of supply ...

    Risk analysis | 19-03-2019