
348 documents

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  1. Pest report second finding of Euwallacea fornicatus November 2022

    This report concerns the eradication of the second finding of Euwallacea fornicatus on ornamental tropical plants for planting at ...

    Report | 16-11-2022

  2. Advice from BuRO on the use of sensor technology to promote animal welfare in slaughterhouses

    The Office for Risk Assessment & Research (BuRO) makes a number of recommendations to the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and ...

    Risk analysis | 09-11-2022

  3. October 2022 - Finding of sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus in plants of Ipomoea batatas in three open fields in Noord-Brabant and Limburg

    This report concerns the official finding of sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus in Ipomoea batatas plants (varieties Bellevue and ...

    Report | 04-11-2022

  4. Quick scan Phenacoccus solenopsis

    This document presents the quick scan of Phenacoccus solenopsis.

    Publication | 25-10-2022

  5. Quick scan Leucoma wiltshirei

    This document presents the quick scan of Leucoma wiltshirei.

    Publication | 25-10-2022

  6. Poster Keep plant pests and diseases out of the European Union

    Poster of European Commisssion:  You are NOT allowed to bring plants, fruits*, vegetables, flowers or seeds into the European ...

    Publication | 19-10-2022

  7. Information for displaced persons from Ukraine and Dutch people who travel from Ukraine with their pets to the Netherlands

    Information for displaced persons from Ukraine and Dutch people who travel from Ukraine with their pets to the Netherlands

    Publication | 14-10-2022

  8. Информация для украинских переселенцев, прибывающих со своими животными из Украины в Нидерланды Домашний карантин

    Информация для украинских переселенцев, прибывающих со своими животными из Украины в Нидерланды Домашний карантин

    Publication | 14-10-2022

  9. Інформація для українських переселенців, які подорожують з України зі своїми домашніми тваринами до Нідерландів Домашній карантин

    Інформація для українських переселенців, які подорожують з України зі своїми домашніми тваринами до Нідерландів Домашній карантин

    Publication | 14-10-2022

  10. Pest report cotton leaf curl Gezira virus in plants of Lavatera 2022

    This report concerns the official finding of Cotton leaf curl Gezira virus (CLCuGV) in the Netherlands in a nursery with young ...

    Report | 25-07-2022