353 documents
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Additional declaration fruits and vegetables
Additional declarations on phytosanitary certificates for exports to the European Union as required in Article 71.2 of the Plant ...
Quickscan Pepper ringspot virus
This report presents the Quickscan of Pepper ringspot virus
Additional declaration per sector, other than fruits and vegetables
Additional declarations on phytosanitary certificates for exports to the European Union as required in Article 71.2 of the Plant ...
Form for registering amusement devices
Form for registering amusement devices, as meant in article 20 of the Dutch legislative decree “WARENWETBESLUIT ATTRACTIE- EN ...
Quickscan Pseudomonas kitaguniensis
This report presents the Quick scan Pseudomonas kitaguniensis.
Quickscan Acanthococcus lagerstroemiae
This report presents the Quickscan of Acanthococcus lagerstroemiae
Advice from BuRO Regarding the health risks of insufficient UV protection in sunscreen products
Work towards good in vitro methods that are prescribed as reference methods for measuring UV protection of sunscreen products. ...
Pest report - First outbreak of Curtobactericum flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens on Phaseolus vulgaris on three fields for vegetable production in the Netherlands
This pest report concerns the first outbreak of Curtobactericum flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens on Phaseolus vulgaris on three ...
Additional declarations wood
Additional declarations on phytosanitary certificates for exports to the European Union as required in Article 71.2 of the Plant ...
Quick scan Austropuccinia psidii
This document presents the quick scan of Austropuccinia psidii.