Establishments in the veterinary field

Assembly centres

Regulations 2016/429 and 2019/2035

Control posts

Regulations 1255/97, 2016/429 and 2019/2035

Establishments for germinal products (semen, oocytes and embryos)

Regulation (EU) 2016/429, Regulation (EU) 2020/686

Quarantine facilities or centres

Regulations 2019/2035

Establishments for poultry

Regulation 2019/2035

Confined establishments

Regulation 2016/429 and 2019/2035

Registered traders

Regulation 2016/429

Establishments with a negligible risk or controlled risk for classical scrapie

Disease-free compartments keeping terrestrial animals

Commission delegated regulation (EU) 2024/2623

Vector-protected establishments

Regulation 2020/689