Export registrations
List of export registrations
- Argentina - casings
- Argentina - coldstore fish
- Argentina - coldstore pancreas porcine
- Argentina - fishing vessel
- Argentina - processing plant fish
- Argentina - processsing plant pancreas porcine
- Argentina - production plant bloodproducts
- Argentina - production plant collagen
- Argentina - production plant fat and greaves
- Argentina - production plant gelatine
- Argentina - semen collection centre bovine
- Argentina - semen collection centre equine
- Argentina - slaughterhouse pancreas porcine
- Australia - coldstore pork
- Australia - cutting plant porcine
- Australia - pork packaging plant
- Australia - slaughterhouse porcine
- Brazil - casings
- Brazil - coldstore beef
- Brazil - coldstore pork
- Brazil - cutting plant beef
- Brazil - cutting plant pork
- Brazil - fish
- Brazil - hatchery/ breeding establishment DOC or HE
- Brazil - meat products
- Brazil - processing plant collagen for human consumption
- Brazil - processing plant gelatine for human consumption
- Brazil - slaughterhouse bovine
- Brazil - slaughterhouse porcine
- Canada - coldstore
- Canada - coldstore poultry meat
- Canada - cutting plant poultry
- Canada - cutting plant red meat
- Canada - edible rendering - animal by-products for human consumption
- Canada - inedible rendering
- Canada - inedible rendering - animal by-products not for human consumption
- Canada - meat products red meat
- Canada - other processing poultry meat
- Canada - other processing red meat
- Canada - packing and labelling
- Canada - processing plant molluscan shellfish
- Canada - rendered products non-ruminants
- Canada - ritual slaughter
- Canada - slaughterhouse bovine
- Canada - slaughterhouse calves
- Canada - slaughterhouse poultry
- Canada - slaughterhouse swine
- Chili - blood products human consumption
- Chili - bovine embryo production team
- Chili - casings
- Chili - coldstore
- Chili - cutting plant bovine
- Chili - cutting plant porcine
- Chili - cutting plant poultry
- Chili - gelatine and or collagen for human consumption
- Chili - hatchery day-old chicks and/or hatching eggs
- Chili - meat products
- Chili - pork fat
- Chili - semen collection centre
- Chili - slaughterhouse bovine
- Chili - slaughterhouse porcine
- Chili - slaughterhouse poultry
- China - bovine embryos
- China - coldstore fish
- China - coldstore pork
- China - coldstore veal
- China - cutting plant porcine
- China - cutting plant veal
- China - edible aquatic animals
- China - factory vessel fish
- China - freezing vessel fish
- China - lard for food
- China - milk replacer
- China - pet food
- China - processing plant fish
- China - processing plant stomachs, bladders, incestines
- China - semen collection centre
- China - slaughterhouse calf
- China - slaughterhouse porcine
- China - swine bone chips
- China - whey powder
- Colombia - coldstore pork
- Colombia - cutting plant pork
- Colombia - semen collection centre bovine
- Colombia - semen collection centre porcine
- Colombia - slaughterhouse porcine
- Cuba - coldstore pork
- Cuba - coldstore poultry meat
- Cuba - cutting plant poultry meat
- Cuba - meat products poultry meat
- Cuba - mechanically deboned poultry meat
- Cuba - poultry meat packaging plant
- Cuba - slaughterhouse poultry
- Ecuador - bovine embryo production team
- Ecuador - semen collection centre bovine
- Hongkong - coldstore bovine
- Hongkong - coldstore mutton
- Hongkong - coldstore porcine
- Hongkong - coldstore poultry
- Hongkong - cutting plant bovine
- Hongkong - cutting plant mutton
- Hongkong - cutting plant porcine
- Hongkong - cutting plant poultry
- Hongkong - processing plant bovine
- Hongkong - processing plant mutton
- Hongkong - processing plant porcine
- Hongkong - processing plant poultry
- Hongkong - slaughterhouse bovine
- Hongkong - slaughterhouse porcine
- Hongkong - slaughterhouse poultry
- Hongkong - slaughterhouse sheep
- Indonesia - coldstore pork
- Indonesia - cutting plant porcine
- Indonesia - meat products poultry meat
- Indonesia - processed animal protein - poultry
- Indonesia - processing facility hides
- Indonesia - slaughterhouse porcine
- Israël - coldstore beef
- Israël - coldstore pork fat
- Israël - cutting plant beef
- Israël - cutting plant pork fat
- Israël - slaughterhouse bovine
- Israël - slauhterhouse pork fat
- Japan - coldstore beef
- Japan - coldstore pork
- Japan - coldstore poultry
- Japan - cutting plant beef
- Japan - cutting plant pork
- Japan - cutting plant poultry meat
- Japan - porcine pancreas for pharmaceutical use
- Japan - processing plant pork
- Japan - processing plant poultry
- Japan - ruminant casings handling facility
- Japan - slaughterhouse bovine
- Japan - slaughterhouse porcine
- Japan - slaughterhouse poultry
- Malaysia - cutting plant porcine
- Malaysia - cutting plant poultry
- Malaysia - eggs and egg products
- Malaysia - meat products - pork meat
- Malaysia - slaughterhouse porcine
- Malaysia - slaughterhouse poultry
- Mexico - coldstore pork
- Mexico - coldstore veal
- Mexico - cutting plant porcine
- Mexico - cutting plant veal
- Mexico - slaughterhouse calves
- Mexico - slaughterhouse porcine
- Peru - semen collection centre
- Russian Federation - casings
- Russian Federation - coldstore beef
- Russian Federation - coldstore finished meat products
- Russian Federation - coldstore pork
- Russian Federation - coldstore poultry meat
- Russian Federation - cutting plant bovine
- Russian Federation - cutting plant offals bovine
- Russian Federation - cutting plant porcine
- Russian Federation - cutting plant poultry
- Russian Federation - fish
- Russian Federation - fish vessel
- Russian Federation - meatproducts
- Russian Federation - primary poultry farm
- Russian Federation - slaughterhouse bovine
- Russian Federation - slaughterhouse offals bovine
- Russian Federation - slaughterhouse porcine
- Russian Federation - slaughterhouse poultry
- Saudi Arabia - coldstore beef
- Saudi Arabia - cutting plant bovine
- Saudi Arabia - fish
- Saudi Arabia - slaughterhouse bovine
- Singapore - cutting plant bovine
- Singapore - slaughterhouse bovine
- South Africa - coldstore
- South Africa - coldstore beef
- South Africa - coldstore pork
- South Africa - cutting plant bovine
- South Africa - cutting plant porcine
- South Africa - cutting plant red meat
- South Africa - slaughterhouse bovine
- South Africa - slaughterhouse porcine
- South Africa - slaughterhouse red meat
- South Korea - coldstore beef
- South Korea - cutting plant beef
- South Korea - coldstore pork
- South Korea - coldstore poultry meat
- South Korea - cutting plant porcine
- South Korea - cutting plant poultry
- South Korea - meat products - pork meat
- South Korea - meat products - poultry meat
- South Korea - processing facility animal proteins for animal feed - poultry
- South Korea - processing facility hydrolyzed proteins for animal feed - porcine
- South Korea - semen collection centra bovine
- South Korea - slaughterhouse bovine
- South Korea - slaughterhouse porcine
- South Korea - slaughterhouse poultry
- Taiwan - coldstore bovine
- Taiwan - cutting plant bovine
- Taiwan - manufacturing plant petfood
- Taiwan - slaughterhouse bovine
- Thailand - casings
- Thailand - coldstore beef
- Thailand - coldstore pork
- Thailand - cutting plant bovine
- Thailand - cutting plant pork
- Thailand - poultry breeding farm
- Thailand - semen collection centre porcine
- Thailand - slaughterhouse bovine
- Thailand - slaughterhouse porcine
- USA - coldstore shellfish
- USA - coldstore pork
- USA - coldstore veal
- USA - cutting plant pork
- USA - cutting plant veal
- USA - dispatch centre live shellfish
- USA - meat processing plant pork
- USA - processing establishment shellfish
- USA - repackaging establishment shucked shellfish
- USA - slaughterhouse pork
- USA - slaughterhouse veal
- Vietnam - coldstore beef
- Vietnam - coldstore pork
- Vietnam - coldstore poultry meat
- Vietnam - cutting plant bovine
- Vietnam - cutting plant porcine
- Vietnam - cutting plant poultry
- Vietnam - fish
- Vietnam - meat processing plant
- Vietnam - repackaging plant bovine meat
- Vietnam - repackaging plant porcine meat
- Vietnam - repackaging plant poultry meat
- Vietnam - slaughterhouse bovine
- Vietnam - slaughterhouse porcine
- Vietnam - slaughterhouse poultry
Countries for which the NVWA mandates a protocol registration
Below you can find which protocol registrations the NVWA mandates a protocol registration and for which company type or product the NVWA mandates that. In the lists you can find which companies have a protocol registration.
- United kingdom protocol registration - animal casings
- United kingdom protocol registration - live bivalve and moluscs
- United kingdom protocol registration - fishery products
- United kingdom protocol registration - fresh meat - bovine
- United kingdom protocol registration - fresh meat of wild game birds
- United kingdom protocol registration - meat of wild mammals not hare/rabbit/hoofed
- United kingdom protocol registration - meat preperations
- United kingdom protocol registration - meat products
- United kingdom protocol registration - fresh meat of wild porcine and tapirs
- United kingdom protocol registration - fresh meat of wild ruminants
- United kingdom protocol registration - fresh meat - ovine and caprines
- United kingdom protocol registration - fresh meat - pork
- United kingdom protocol registration - fresh meat - poultry