The Netherlands Institute for Vectors, Invasive plants and Plant health (NIVIP) has various core tasks. These are listed below.

Reference laboratory

Knowledge authority

On behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature (LVVN) and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS), we act as a knowledge authority on various topics.

The following knowledge centers are part of NIVIP:

  • Centrum Monitoring Vectoren (CMV)
  • Kenniscentrum Invasieve Planten en Hout
  • Kenniscentrum Biologische bestrijders en Productiedieren
  • Kenniscentrum op het gebied van Plantgezondheid

We are continuously working on improving our position as a knowledge center. As a result, we have an influential position in (inter)national organizations such as:

Sharing knowledge

Role in oversight on plant diseases and plagues

As NIVIP, we are part of the NPPO-NL (National Plant Protection Organization), which is embedded in the NVWA.

In this role, we advise various inspectors. Based on our knowledge, they take up the fight against quarantine organisms and new harmful organisms that threaten plants and plant products entering and leaving the Netherlands.

With all the knowledge we have, we can act quickly and proactively in case of an incident or crisis.

ISO accreditation

We have an ISO-accredited quality system (ISO 17025), accreditation number L522 ( RvA, scope L522). This means that we have advanced equipment, appropriate infrastructure, and expert personnel. We also have the facilities and knowledge to work under high biosafety and biosecurity requirements.