Documents - Pest reporting

139 documents on Pest reporting

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  1. Pest report Phytophthora lateralis (Phytophthora root disease) in Chamaecyparis ((Port Orford Cedar)

    This document is a Pest report on Phytophthora lateralis (Phytophthora root disease) in Chamaecyparis ((Port Orford Cedar).

    Report | 21-05-2010

  2. Pest report - Xanthomonas arboricola Pruni

    Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni on ornamental Prunus laurocerasus plants for planting.

    Report | 21-05-2010

  3. Pest report Darna trima (Nettle caterpillar) on Thrinax parviflora (palm trees)

    This document is a Pest report on Darna trima (Nettle caterpillar) on Thrinax parviflora (palm trees).

    Report | 21-05-2010

  4. Pest report Update Findings of Anoplophora chinensis on Cornus sp and Crataegus sp

    This document is a pest report on findings of Anoplophora chinensis on Cornus sp. and Crataegus sp.

    Report | 21-05-2010

  5. Pest report Tomato yellow leaf curl virus

    This pest report describes a successful eradicaton of tomato yellow leaf curl virus on tomato plants in The Netherlands.

    Report | 21-05-2010

  6. Pest report Corythucha ciliate

    Pest report on finding of Corythucha ciliate in The Netherlands on Platanus species in public green.

    Report | 21-05-2010

  7. Pest report Tropidosteptes pacificus

    This record concerns the first official finding of a population of Tropidosteptes pacificus in a public green area in the ...

    Report | 21-05-2010

  8. Pest report Diabrotica virgifera

    Pest report on eradication of Diabrotica virgifera in The Netherlands.

    Report | 21-05-2010

  9. Pest report Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) on Solanum jasminoïdes

    This document is a Pest report on Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) on Solanum jasminoïdes.

    Report | 21-05-2010

  10. Pest report - Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) on Solanum jasminoïdes and Brugmanisa spp

    This document is a Pest report on Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) on Solanum jasminoïdes and Brugmanisa spp.

    Report | 21-05-2010