
359 documents

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  1. Advice from BuRO on the safety of food supplements

    Introduce a notification system for dietary supplements in the Netherlands. This should reduce the risks associated with the use ...

    Risk analysis | 24-04-2024

  2. NIVIP data file

    Data file for articles and scientific papers NIVIP.

    Publication | 08-04-2024

  3. Driver file for facet search tool

    This driver file is used by the NVWA to display data in the facet search tool

    Guideline | 27-03-2024

  4. Advice from BuRO on PFAS in home-produced chicken eggs

    BuRO advices the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport to ask the Netherlands Nutrition Center to inform consumers about the ...

    Risk analysis | 13-03-2024

  5. Pest report - First finding of a Begomovirus in Rhododendron indicum in a greenhouse in the province of Zuid Holland December 2023

    This report concerns the first finding of a Begomovirus in Rhododendron indicum in a greenhouse in the province of Zuid Holland.

    Report | 03-01-2024

  6. Content data bestand NIVIP

    Use only in combinatie with the tool articles and scientific papers NIVIP.

    NVWA | 07-12-2023

  7. Pest report update Finding of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum in surface water in the Netherlands (provinces Friesland, Utrecht and Overijssel) November 2023

    This report concerns the finding of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum in surface water in the Netherlands (provinces Friesland, ...

    Report | 17-11-2023

  8. Signal advice Prioritization of substances in tattoo inks

    Inks used for tattoos and permanent make-up (PMU) contain chemical substances that may be harmful to health. Since January 2022, ...

    Risk analysis | 06-11-2023

  9. Advice from BuRO on the health risks of ozone emissions from air purifiers

    Have a health warning applied to products on the market that generate ozone in quantities that represent a health risk. For small ...

    Risk analysis | 06-10-2023

  10. Configuratie data bestand NIVIP

    Use only in combinatie with the tool articles and scientific papers NIVIP.

    Publication | 15-09-2023